That is until last week...
I had previously prided myself with being too "cerebral" for domestic chores. And I never got joy out of impressing people with extravagant meals, parties or clothing. But I've come to realize that it's not exactly fun living with someone who doesn't cook, clean or ever take off their smelly running clothes (except to put on scrubs, of course).
This past week, I decided to give this power mom, power wife thing a try.
So I cleaned...
(Above is the cleanest bathroom in the history of my life.)
I bought flowers...
And I cooked some awesome food...
(Note the normal, non-running clothing.)
Can you find the happy son of a power mom anywhere in the above photo?
And I even tried to impress some friends...
And I have to admit it was a fun week. Not only was it an excellent challenge, but SR and I got along great. And nothing cerebral was sacrificed; for one, my PhD project is now more or less in line along with the continued ophthalmology residency. I can only wonder if long-term powermotherhood is in the stars. But the force inside of me that says all I need is coffee, oatmeal and a long run is strong.
Running Song of the Day: The Flowers by Regina Spektor
I think it's funny that you blogged about cleaning the bathroom. I'd make fun of you but I'm exactly the same way. Except I don't think it's because I'm cerebral it's because I'm a lazy slob who doesn't really mind living in filth. Luckily my husband is a PowerHusband and cleans and cooks and does all that stuff. If we had a kid I'm sure he'd be the one making sure it didn't fall off a cliff.
The food looks fabulous in those pictures. Looks like you did a great job. I think you should just define "PowerMom" as exactly what you are and call it good.
Seeing the last photo, I imagined everyone saying, "Wow, you have a lot of mice!" That'd sort of end the powermom thing, wouldn't it?
My husband drives a subaru and he won't let me eat in the car. Does that make him a power husband? He only makes messes in the house though. I'm happy you had a great week.
Yeah, hmm...I feel an obligation to live up to expectations:) Good going, but I am with you on last sentence. "But the force inside of me that says all I need is coffee, oatmeal (ham sandwich) and a long run (on trails)."
If SR and I were content with who we were, after one month we'd realize we had no clean clothes, no clean dishes and wonder what ever happened with those bills we got in the mail. SR and I were both previously married to a Ted. Just imagine two Dannis and a baby and you get the picture.
Steve Q, thanks for the best laugh all week! I seriously couldn't stop laughing. Lately I've been settling for Danish jokes I only half understand, but yours, I got 100%.
In my experience, a Subaru is only a catalyst to becoming a power parent.
Olga, I wish I too felt an obligation to live up to expectations...
I think there's something therapeutic about cleaning. I feel calmer and life seems more manageable when the clutter is at bay. You as a power mom would be quite a change. Who knows? Could end up being a good fit for you.
Ha, that was funny! My greatest talent is domestic stuff. My house could be cleaner, lawn could be tidier, etc, I could cook more days per week, but after getting home after work, I'm tired. Aw hell, after I get laid off, perhaps I'll never work again. I enjoy cleaning, cooking, lawn mowing, etc. You can look back and view your accomplishment. It's also nice when your step daughter gives a little cheer yay! when she realizes you cooked instead of her own dad, LOL. Alas, my house needs a good dusting and the floors are getting yucky again.....It's very hard to balance everything, you know?
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