We had our first sponsored run on Saturday. SR and I were part of a 4 person relay team sponsored by the company Damgaard Teknik. Their vice president actually contacted me through Facebook. He happens to have the same first name as SR and also ran on our team.
It was a 5k relay starting at 2 pm.
SR was our first runner (probably not the best idea) and came through with a nice 16:30 5k.
Next came, as I call him, Jul Tre, or the VP of Damgaard Teknik. He ran in just under 19 minutes
and handed off to me. Mind you I wasn't expecting much since I had only slept 4 hours the night before and about the same all the other nights that week. BUT, this was the first 5k I had ever run on an empty stomach. I have said many times to SR that my biggest limiting factor when I run shorter races (ie less than a marathon) is stomach pain. Well, I should always give myself a few hours without eating before races, because I shaved 25 seconds off my previous 5k PR and handed off the baton with a time of 19:20(!!!).
Our final runner is a good friend from our Atletik club and was unfortunately passed at the last minute by the female from another mix team, but we were happy with our second place.
A good time was had by all.
Step Daughter
Billy Ray
Step Daughter and Billy Ray.
The next day, SR and I ran the most picturesque race we have run. It was in forest, formerly undiscovered by us, just 15 minutes from our home.
We drove down a long road into a dark, midieval forest, to see many runners gathering in a valley around a villa from the 1800's. It is called Villa Galina (as was the race) and was built as a hotel and restaurant for horse and buggy travelers between Copenhagen and Næstved.
It was the first race I had run that wasn't advertised on a website. It was all word of mouth. And there must have been nearly 200 participants. The 14 k race was on hilly trails in the forest, skirting some sparkling ponds. The weather was perfect. And what a great day to forget our camera!
SR won the men's race and I took second in the women's.
Since I don't have any pictures of the second race, here's a picture of The Lorax aka Billy Ray and Step Daughter trying on their clothing for our Danish wedding on Saturday.
Running Song of The Day: You Only Believe Me When I'm Lying by Zoe Muth and the Lost High Rollers
yipee! 5 km PB. always cause for celebration!
Congrats on the PR!!! nice one. And always fun to discover new trails...
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