But I know you're all scrolling down anyway, just to see whether or not I'm pregnant. When I was 5 days late for my period today, I decided it was time to buy the brand I have found to be most clearly negative in the past: "Apotekets Graviditetstest" (and thus the best)
So, I peed on one and, after 3 minutes, there was no second line. But when I returned to it 5 minutes later, gosh darn it, there was a second pink line there. 2 hours later I took another and after 7-8 minutes, there was that same pink line. I don't know, can you even see the lines?
Well, SR and I can. And we're really excited. We had actually tried to avoid (my) getting pregnant this month due to our summer vacation, Voyageur and the Ironman, but, whoops, maybe we weren't that careful.
And, just in case you aren't convinced yet that I'm pregnant (just like I wasn't), I took a 3rd test with SR and The Lorax and the same faint pink line was there.
What does a woman with a 2 week old fetus look like after a 100 km bike ride and a 20 mile run on the hottest weekend in Danish history, you ask?
Running song of the day: Rebecca St. Claire by The Modern Skirts. Actually, it's not that great to run to, but I really look forward to singing it and playing it on the guitar when we arrive in the US (and I am reunited with a guitar!).
Congratulations to the both of you :-)
Congrats, little family! Wow and how exciting!
Congrats on being one of the 60% of women who can correctly read a pregnancy test (med school pays off!)
Placental lactogen or chorionic gonadotropin test?
I peed on a stick today, too - that's just trail running.
Congratulations! :-)
Just take it easy and enjoy the upcoming races, racing while pregnant really changedmy mindset and actually made me enjoy it a little more.
You can still do the 50 and the Ironman, may be just puke a few too many times, but then again, may be you get lucky and get by without:)
Oh wow, how exciting! Congratulations and best wishes to the whole family.
A big congratulations!
How wonderful!!!! Congrats to you and your whole family :)
Yay for babies!!
*GIRLY SQUEAL* OMIGOD! You're pregnant! (she knows Piccola, she knows, she just just blogged about it) BUT OMIGOD you're pregnant! *GIRLY SQUEAL*
there is NO denying the existence of that pink line. GO FETUS!
Now go buy yourself some non-pink and blue running shorts as a pregnancy gift :)
Congrats! I'm a recent follower and I'm preggo too :)
So exciting! I look forward to following your training throughout. Congrats!
Just as I'm leaving the puke-filled first trimester, you're entering it. Congratulations!
Just remember to please take it easy on your expectations for yourself. I worry for you....
Yay congrats!!!
YEAH!!! So many prayers and thoughts your way! Running for 2 is fantastic.
Congrats SLG!
Congrats! You make me think maybe I haven't been patient enough with the tests I've taken...
Me: why are you glowing?
Sea Legs: what, didn't you read my blog?
Ok, not really.
My comment came out meaner than it was meant - I just usually reserve the congratulations for 9 months or so. If it's a girl, are you going to name her "Helle"?
Congratulations! I'm a new follower and love your blog. Nice to meet you!
Kæmpe stort tillykke til jer begge. Jeg læser først din blog nu - og er ked af, jeg ikke får sagt tillykke før nu. Hvor er det bare super skønt.
Mange tillykke-knus
Congratulations SLG!!! Hope this pregnancy is just as awesome as the last one!
What wonderful news! Congrats to you!
I'm late to the party in reading this news, but many congrats to you!
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