YES!! I could run a marathon 27 weeks pregnant!!
Now, pay attention: this post is in reverse chronological order.
Here was my Garmin, displaying the time and distance from today's Skodsborg Red Front Marathon.
Yes, the distance is important, because I was 1 mile short of 26.2; I got a bit off course - but when everyone is waiting for you to finish after nearly 5 hours, you don't really feel like asking to run one extra mile.
(okay, this post really needn't be in the second person)
Here is my happy family afterwards ejoying the beautiful woods in Skodsborg. Yes, SR ran too, but he had time to drive home, shower and pick up the kids between the time he finished and I finished.
The Lorax cops a feel after I come across the finish line. "Mor! Du har løbet mange gange!" ("Mom! You have run many times!"), he exclaimed gleefully.
I was still running by the time I crossed the finish line. There was actually very little walking and only up the hills. I had Braxton Hicks, but really not that bad.
Here I am (picture à la Tor Ronnow)
walking up one of those hills. Natali, looking beautiful, waiting patiently for her step-mom.
Lots of friends tooday:
May-Britt, Søren & Jerk
Henriette and ??
Jakob and Lars
And pretty scenes repeated 7 times - almost 100% on dirt trails.
Thanks, Karen, for this photo!
Full-body shot at the halfway point. Yes, I am as fat as I look. 59.4 kg of voluptuous pregnant woman (that's a 5.4 extra kilos of love, folks)
SR runs with power by an old black truck. Sexy.
Great pic again, Karen
Here is the start. We are all in red because on May 1st, Danes celebrate Socialism or, as Jerk said, "the idealism of their youth".
Here is SR, who is probably not thinking about socialism. If he was thinking strategy, he didn't really use it since he ran almost two laps with me and finished in 3:45, which actually was not too far behind the winner - it's a tough course, come to think of it. Sorry about the short post - but we are off to Mallorca for a week tomorrow, so we have to get ready!
Running song of the day: The Past is a Grotesque Animal by Of Montreal (A stunning - and long - song, by a psychiatrically disturbed man, who invites you to join him in his bizarre world. From one of the best albums ever made.)
I remember May 1 in Slovakia. I always got woken up by trumpets. Actually that's the only thing I remember. There were crowds in town also but I did not care about it, I only cared about trumpeters marching through the whole town. I was a kid.
It is interesting that the Danes still celebrate it. Maybe they are not as biter as Slovak are about the communists because noone in Slovakia celebrates it. Well, it is not true. May 1 is still a major public holiday (no work, no school...which is awesome, unless you are not in Slovakia or it falls on Sunday) but nobody celebrates it.
I think that I could run trail marathon eventually. It looks so pretty.
You run the prettiest races! I'll have to one day to a trail race instead of a road race.
Don't you dare call yourself fat, I'll reach through the computer and slap you! You look amazing!!
Congrats on the impressive run!
Oh, wow, it looks really beautiful there! Makes me want to head out to my dacha and spend the day with my portraits of Lenin and Marx. Maybe next May 1st.
You look amazing, and I'm so impressed with your running. Hope I'm able to do a fraction of what you can do when I'm at 27 weeks.
Glad you all showed up in red. It would truly be a tragedy to be mistaken as enemies of the proletariat on such an important day.
Happy May 1st. Dang, I forgot to call home...We call it a Day of Labor and Solidarity. Congrats on a marathon:)
May Day shows up on my calendar as Holocaust Remembrance Day (and today as a bank holiday in Ireland and Labour Day in Queensland, Australia). Here, everyone wears red on one day for awareness of women's heart health (which irritates me for reasons I won't go into) and Lutherans wear red on Reformation Sunday in (I think) October.
Pictures of green trees and sun are making me envious - it's still 1 Celsius here, in case you're still thinking of moving to Duluth some day.
Great, if atypical, RSOD. Have you heard this?
A treat for fans of Teenage Fanclub
Wow. Took me a long time to respond to the comments! We have been in Mallorca without internet connection.
Mmmonyka, I love hearing about your experiences in Slovakia. I have to admit I also thought it was weird Danes still celebrated it - red being the color of communisim and all. But Danes don´t have the trumpet tradition, otherwise the holiday wouldn´t probably still be so popular.
Diana, anyone who kept running all pregnancy could manage a marathon provided they felt good that day - pregnancy should be about taking care of yourself and doing what you enjoy. For me a trail marathon is just the thing. :)
1 degree C, Steve. That sucks. Right now on Malloca it is about 22 degrees celcius. I´m not complaining, let´s put it that way.
Ross, thanks so much. I really like Teenage Fanclub. I don´t know what song it is yet, but I will go see now.
Read this a while ago and forgot to comment - but well done on your trail run, it sounded just perfect! I concur with Stef that you look amazing, fat is a very wrong word. If I could be 27weeks preggers and 59kgs I would be ecstatic!!
Wow, you running a marathon at this stage of being pregnant. That's cool! I'm not pregnant and I'm still only dreaming of my first marathon in August this year. So when I read about you I say to myself that I have to stop being scared and simply go for it.....
Can I just say this blog got me through the day today? Every time I read it, I just get more and more excited about what’s next. Refreshing blog and brilliant ideas. I’m glad that I came across this when I did. I love what you’ve got to say and the way you say it.
Oh, Canada. If only you weren't spamming me. I almost believed you...
How far down the list of flags on your counter can you go before you see one you don't recognize? I got stumped early by Slovenia.
Well, I got stumped earlier than you, Steve. I didn't know the Czech Republic.
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