(Yes, it does say Sex and the Perfect Lover)
Monday, 28 January 2008
The countdown really begins
(Yes, it does say Sex and the Perfect Lover)
Wednesday, 23 January 2008
Cover Girl
Note that my right toe is turning outward, giving me a knock-kneed stride. Other than that, I guess you really can't tell I'm 37 weeks along.
If you're trying to figure out what my sweatshirt says, it is "Cincinnati." Never been there, but I'm sure it's nice.
Monday, 21 January 2008
Pregnant Winter Running
The temperature my last few runs has been between 0 and 2 degrees F. But when there is no wind, that's gorgeous. I love peeing on the bitter cold snow and watching it instantly melt away. Of course the trails are close to deserted. Most people seem to have a phobia of exercising in the cold. But nothing makes you feel more alive than your own pounding heart and a warm, big baby belly in the dead cold of morning.
About a week ago, we got 5 inches of new snow, but I managed to find a path to run on that had already been cleared. So contrary to my belief just one month ago, I am running regularly again. The hip has healed and the winter conditions are not insurmountable.
Yesterday SR was kind enough to almost double his pace and run with me. He has a garmin watch with GPS, so I learned I have been running 10 minute miles and a total of only 4.5 miles a day. It sounds like so little! But by the time I am at the end, I am generally waddling and out of breath. Yet during the run SR was talking about how we were both going to finish in the top 5 in our state's marathon next year. It is hard for me to believe right now that I will become that girl I used to be (and then run even faster) all in the next 7 months. But theoretical thinking is really motivating to SR and I'm starting to believe it is for me, too.
Wanted to note one strange thing that was happening two nights ago. I had just fallen asleep when I was woken up by a jab of excruciating pain in my pelvis. Then it kept happening. I realized the big little baby was jamming his head against the bottom of the uterus, using his feet and hands to propel himself. So my ribs were getting kicked, too. It hurt so bad I was yelling and had tears in my eyes. He stopped for a while when I layed on my side, but then woke me up again many times during the night. SR was half asleep, but the next morning he said "Gosh, I hope he's normal." Having two parents like us, normal is probably too much to ask.
Finally, I wanted to address a comment from lilsusha...
I too have been training for a marathon and recently found out I'm pg. My marathon is 13 weeks away and I'm about 7 weeks along. I think you ended up doing the 1/2 right? I don't remember reading your decision as to why. This is my first pregnancy--total surprise after 12.5 yrs of marriage and 2 adopted kids. AND my first marathon. Any insight or resources will be helpful.
Congrats, lilsusha on your pregnancy!!! I hope it goes well, that you can keep running and that you are filled with amazement of your own body :).
There were a few reasons we decided to do the half (had SR's parents visiting out of town the week of the full marathon, wanted to run the half in our own city AND I still felt like running a race competitively at 5 months. I felt like I wouldn't be able to push myself like I wanted to if I ran a full marathon.) But if you would rather run a full marathon, go for it! Just be extra careful with the hydration.
I haven't found too many resources about running or marathons during pregnancy to be honest. Perhaps you have already found/followed my link to "Running for Two" which is another pregnant woman's running blog. Also, I put together a list of studies, defending vigorous exercise in pregnancy, which can be found in my Nov. 30th entry, Exercise and Running in Pregnancy: Point-Counterpoint . If any readers know of other resources, please speak up!
Best wishes. I hope you can keep running in pregnancy. If you do stop, make sure it's your decision. Even if your prenatal care provider recommends you stop, make sure you understand why so you can make the decision together. Good luck with the marathon! Let us know how it goes.
Running Song of the Day: Angel in the Snow by Elliot Smith
Monday, 14 January 2008
Learning to be a mother
This is a picture of me about a year ago, not able to keep my apartment organized and really not caring. Already in this picture, though, I was in love with the guy you all know as SR. He just didn't know it.
And it was at that time I was asking myself Am I capable of loving SR's children, too? Who would I be to them?
And at first it was easy to just have fun with them and be that girl who lived next door and loved their dad and played with them. But, without being really aware of it, or in control of it, they became more to me and I became more to them.
And SR's son is making that clear to me now that he understands there is a baby in my belly. He enjoys sitting in the baby car seat, making baby noises and even washing me in the shower at the YMCA because he simply wants me to love him like he knows I love that little baby in my belly.
So, I'm finding myself becoming a mom. And not just to a little baby.
My mom came to help set up the changing table and we talked a lot about things I would need before the baby comes. She actually seems to think I'm all ready. But there are so many things you can't prepare for, of course. And when it comes to being a step-mom, not even my mom can give me much guidance.
So we'll fill our lives with baby clothes, a diaper pail and a changing table made in Taiwan, hoping these things make us ready.
But what it takes to be a good mom is time and a heart that's not afraid. I guess I've changed a lot in the past year and I don't regret it one bit. I hope more than anything now that I can be that mom and wife I always wanted to be when I was younger. At the same time, I don't want to lose my idealism or my flakiness or my love of running. And as long as I'm listing my goals, I do hope I can learn to clean, too.
Running Song of the Day: Go Places by the New Pornographers
Thursday, 10 January 2008
I felt you in my legs before I even met you
I stare at these pictures, wishing I could introduce myself to this guy who doesn't know me and seems to have no idea how much I love him.
It is weird, though. Is it possible that we did sense each other before we met? Is that just magical thinking?
Then the thing that sent me over the top today was watching home videos of waterbirths. They made the delivery feel so imminent. I can imagine it happening at any moment and holding our son in my arms. So I am sold on the idea of doing a waterbirth and recording it after watching these:
http://www.givingbirthnaturally.com/water-birth-video.html (watch the second one)
http://wahmdigitalscrapbooks.com/birth1700k.html (there's no denying this one's beautiful)
Running Song of the Day: Nineteen by Tegan and Sara (okay, it's really not that good of a running song, but it is a good song)
Monday, 7 January 2008
Running a race 8 months pregnant
So life has been good. Other than exercising and working a lot, I have been basically living the life of a hibernating bear, only I'm doing the eating and sleeping all at once. It truly amazes me how much food and sleep I need. If I don't sleep at least 9 hours, I feel miserable.
Thursday, 3 January 2008
Braxton Hicks
Is Braxton Hicks not the perfect name for a saxophone player? I'm sorry, I just thought it was so funny that this jazz man shares a name with false labor.
Wednesday, 2 January 2008
Running again (34 weeks pregnant)!
There are pros and cons to running this late in pregnancy.
1. feels great
2. good way to stay in shape
3. great training for spring races
4. can be done outside in the winter
1. higher potential for injury than other exercises (possibly jeopardizing spring races)
2. doesn't get my heart rate as high as spinning (I get up to 200 at times during spinning class! That may seem high, but as I explained to one of my spinning friends, "my heart rate gets that high so the baby's doesn't have to.")
3. run with strange posture because of belly (further increasing the risk of injury)
I think if I run moderately (perhaps a few miles every other day), that will be a good compromise.
I was overwhelmed by the many and wonderful gifts we got from friends and family. Including a brown corduroy hat and green leather shoes. It forced us to come home and set up a closet for the little guy with all of his things neatly arranged. He may not have a room, but he at least has a closet (he will be sleeping in the bed with us and in a co-sleeper next to our bed). It was so much fun for SR and I to picture him in the little clothes and imagine what he would be like. I have to admit that I do find it strange how SR often acts like this is a first baby for him, too. I'm not sure if that's just for my sake or if he really wasn't as involved in the planning for the other two kids. Either way, there is no way anyone could say he is not a great dad to his two kids now.
The above picture is from after the shower with my best friend, B. She actually has two kids (girl and boy same ages as SR's kids) and recently got a divorce, so she and SR had a lot to talk about.
----NEW YEAR'S----
Okay, so the highlight of the week for me was laying in bed after we watched the midnight fireworks. We were staring at each other and smiling, thinking about how different this New Year's was from last.
"I'm so glad you're here." said SR
"I'm so glad to be here with you." I said, still incredulous that he could feel the same way about me as I do about him. Coyly I said, "But I could be any girl and you'd be glad I was here."
And he started to get tears in his eyes. "But you're my dream girl. You're the one thing in my life that makes me believe in divine intervention. Some force bigger than us must have brought us together."
I could feel the tears in my eyes, too. He is right.