Wow. Look at that blistering speed.
Lorax's 2.5 km run stats:
Distance before first stop: .2 km
Total Distance: .5 km
Place/Finish Time: DNF
At some point he realized it would be more fun and efficient to by carried by me running than running himself.
I (honestly) tried to put the Garmin on him before the start, so I could analyze his race and discuss strategy with him afterwards, but he wasn't crazy about the heavy thing around his wrist (or ankle). Maybe it's time to upgrade to a lighter Garmin ;). Or time to upgrade the mom.
Here was the kid's race start line:
After a half an hour regrouping, we got in the very large start line. I think I heard then announcer say there were 600 participants. With a baby jogger, I could not rationalize starting near the front. But I knew this would shortly mean a big headache for me.
Here is The Lorax, mentally preparing, seconds before we embark.
When the gun went off, it was ages until we made it up to the start. Then I started my garmin (you better believe I was going for a baby jogger PR). I was running at an uncomfortably slow pace, so I went around the crowd onto uncut grass and hills, looking like a completely insane power mom, making my way up to the front. When I got off the grass and into an opening, I ran at about a 6:45 mile pace just to pass people and get to a place where I could run my comfortable pace. One girl came up to me after the race and said, "Da jeg så dig kom forbi, troede jeg, det var løgn." (Literally, "when I saw you come by, I thought it was a lie".)
And then after 1.5 k, the unthinkable happened: The Lorax undid his straps and stood up in the baby jogger. He started gesturing to me he wanted out. I screamed at him, "Sæt dig ned!" about 30 times, before he finally did sit himself down.
The first 5k was on flat paved roads, without any major hills. And just before the 5k mark, The Lorax fell asleep. My 5k split was 23:20. Not amazing, but okay. I could see there was a woman close behind me, who I continued to gap, but I figured she would be back to bother me. Other than her, I couldn't see any other women right next to me. The next 5k involved a more serious hill, but boy can you fly when you come back down with a jogger. 10k split was 46:50.
Then it got complicated. There was a confusing sign and I stopped and asked for directions, thinking everyone around me was off course. Then we started running on a gravel path into the wind. I had trouble keeping up my pace. And next came the part that I thought was a lie: 15 stairs! Boy am I glad I swim so much, because arm strength was sure helpful as I hoisted the now awake Lorax in his stroller up those babies. This was also the point where the girl who had been close behind me caught up. I tried to catch back up to her, but up next was a gravel path up a very steep hill. Wow. This was hard. My pace slowed a lot in the last 5k, but The Lorax stayed calm and pointed out cars, flowers and birds. Through my music, I realized a guy was trying to talk to me. He had been behind me for quite a while and though he was excited about conversing, I was way too breathless, but did my best. He eventually pulled ahead. The head wind in gravel slowed me down too much.
The end couldn't come too soon, but it finally did in 72:20 (and my Garmin's distance was once again almost exactly on 9.33 miles!). 9 minutes slower than my actual PR, but a definite baby jogger PR! :) I'll take PRs any way I can. Honeslty, I was just relieved The Lorax lasted the entire distance, without launching himself into Kalveboderne bay.
It was a beautiful route and really fun experience. The weather was perfect. And I had lots of fun chatting with strangers. Though the conversation after the race with the guy I had run with ended abruptly when he asked about my summer plans and I mentioned my husband. Oh, well.
We stayed for the awards ceremony and they announced the first 15k female ran in 59 something. Wow! But then another woman shouted out "No, that was a man!" Ooops.
I would say what place I got, but I actually don't know since the results aren't up yet.
The beautiful start/finish:
Lorax imitating big inflatable bug:
Happy mother and son:
Running song of the day: Fight for this Love by Cheryl Cole.
Lyrics: below average
Voice: average
Strange soft bongos: the best!
Awesome! That is so funny The Lorax wanted out near the start :) Glad he got distracted and eventually went to sleep. thinking of getting your name in for world record womens marathon - with a stroller?
i'm surprised you have not posted your BBJ 15 km PR yet! well done. Brava! Brava!
It would have been really cool if the woman who was following you would have offered to have taken the front wheel of the BBJ to help you up the stairs. oh well. By the way, in the course of googling for the women's marathon BBJ world record, I came across a conversation on forum:
person 1: there should be races organized for baby joggers to go after records.
person 2: great idea! you organize it and i won't show up.
never did find the world record.
There's been a rash of overly cute reports lately - but the pic of the Lorax imitating the bug balloon makes it completely okay in my book.
Du er en fantastisk fortæller, Tracy. Jeg griner så tårene triller, når jeg læser dine beretninger.Lyder som et dejligt løb ... ville gerne ha' været der.
Du er og bli'r en superwoman.
Hvor er den lille Lorax sød - dejlige billeder!
If I ran the world record in baby jogging marathons, it would only be because no other time had been recorded. I guess I was thinking it might be something other readers of this blog could strive for :). It has to be the perfect match of a fast woman and a very calm, sleepy baby.
Piccola, I'm just waiting for the real time to come up on their website before I post a BBJ PR. I am not 100% sure of my exact time. So are you saying you're game for trying for the record?
Steve, I'm sure glad I posted that pic at the last minute. But you've left me wondering where all these cute race reports are because they sound like my kind of reading.
Tak for dine søde beskeder. Jeg vidste ikke at jeg ville løbe dette i dag inden i går. Så jeg tænkte det var nok for sent at kontakte dig om det. Men jeg ønskede at du havde været der rigtig meget. Jeg lover at spørge dig næste gang selv om det er i det sidste øjeblik :). Rigtig god uge til dig!
Steve Q, Ha! I just realized you were talking about MY race reports. I'll work on writing with less cuteness.
I LOVE it that you both got to do the race. I can't wait until I get to do that with my kids. You are one hell of a mom (and a fast one at that)!!
a baby jogging stroller race would probably get kind of scary like roller derby! I would totally be in for that!
Great job on your race and I love the photos :)
I love that the guy striking up conversation with you didn't realize/contemplate a husband due to the fact that you were pushing a baby stroller. Not my way of picking up the guys if I'm were a single mom but hey, to each their own. ;)
I'll have to read those cute posting as I am just left with the image of you screaming at The Lorax to sit down :) That is about the funniest race report I've read in a LONG time!!
I thought it was actually kinda nice that the guy was okay with chatting you up knowing you had a kid but not so interested when he heard about the hubby :)
And finally... nice job on the PR!
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